Letter from Superintendent Dr. Curt Dietrich 10/2/20
Dear North Penn Families and Staff,
The Board of School Directors approved a calendar for our students’ return to school. It is important to note that students who prefer virtual instruction may continue to do so. View a detailed School Reopening Plan.
Important Dates
Week of October 19
- Students with significant disabilities receiving special education services through Gwyn Nor/North Penn High School satellite programs return to their home buildings and receive full-day assistant support during the normal school hours for their buildings.
Week of October 26
- Students in grades kindergarten through 2 return to school in hybrid format.
- Students with significant disabilities receiving in-home special education services electing to receive live instruction return to home buildings.
- Special education teachers of self-contained classrooms begin instructing students live and in person.
- Related service providers of Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA)-eligible students deliver services live and in person.
Week of November 2
- Grades 7, 10 and new students attend on either 11/4 (Hybrid A) or 11/5 (Hybrid B) as a transition day
Week of November 9
- 11/9 Students return to school in A/B hybrid models.
Please remember that the timeline will remain subject to change at any time, depending on conditions in our buildings and in our community.
Parents will be asked to select hybrid or virtual for their children, while at the same time more detailed information will be provided via a School Reopening Guide that will address areas such as the following:
- Hybrid Model Specifics & Attendance
- Attendance
- Special Education
- Health and Safety Measures
- Breakfast and Lunch Logistics
- Movement in Building
- Social & Emotional Wellbeing
- Social Distancing
- Technology
- Student Activities
- Guidance on When Students Should Stay Home
- Communication Protocols
- Resources
For staff reading this letter, if your date of return is not included in the detailed timeline attached to this email you will be hearing directly from your supervisor in regard to when your return will be expected.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Please stay tuned for further information next week.
Have a nice weekend, stay safe and remain North Penn Strong.
Curtis R. Dietrich